Mumbai, June 9 (IANS) Bollywood actress Kajol has said that she is "facing one of the toughest trials" and is taking a break from social media.
On Friday, Kajol archived all her pictures from Instagram, which means she has temporarily hidden her pictures.
She just has one post, which reads: "Facing one of the toughest trials of my life."
She wrote for the caption: "Taking a break from social media."
It is not known why she is taking a break, however, fans claim that this is promotional strategy for her upcoming project 'The Good Wife'.
However, many even showed support to the actress.
"Sending you all my love. Take your time. We will be here," said one.
Another wrote: "Waiting for your comeback."
One professed love and said: "We love you."
A user called it "You are my best motivation."
The Indian adaptation of 'The Good Wife' titled 'The Good Wife - Pyaar, Kanoon, Dhoka' has Kajol playing the role of a lawyer. The original series, 'The Good Wife', was created by CBS Studios, in association with Scott Free Productions and King Size Productions.
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